Error calling PA-API 5.0! HTTP Status Code: 429 Error Message: [429] Client error: `POST` resulted in a `429 Too Many Requests` response: {"__type":"","Errors":[{"Code":"TooManyRequests","Message":"The request was de (truncated...) Error Type: TooManyRequests Error Message: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API. Champions Tour - rankings of golf |

Champions Tour - rankings of golf

The current rankings of the Champions Tour

# Name Points Played events
91 Jerry Smith 115125.00 12
92 David Morland IV 114009.00 7
93 Robin Byrd 113825.00 18
94 Steve Jones 107321.00 15
95 Rich Beem 101370.00 13
96 Tommy Armour III 101067.00 14
97 Harrison Frazar 93727.00 4
98 Mark Calcavecchia 84599.00 16
99 Frank Lickliter II 74522.00 17
100 Joakim Haeggman 74117.00 3

Please note that maybe results are lagged of time, because we are maintaining results manually.