Error calling PA-API 5.0! HTTP Status Code: 429 Error Message: [429] Client error: `POST` resulted in a `429 Too Many Requests` response: {"__type":"","Errors":[{"Code":"TooManyRequests","Message":"The request was de (truncated...) Error Type: TooManyRequests Error Message: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API. Champions Tour - rankings of golf |

Champions Tour - rankings of golf

The current rankings of the Champions Tour

# Name Points Played events
71 Tom Pernice Jr. 258178.00 34
72 Davis Love III 246879.00 13
73 Corey Pavin 239259.00 30
74 Larry Mize 238247.00 31
75 Jesper Parnevik 235975.00 21
76 John Huston 232027.00 24
77 Michael Allen 222010.00 28
78 Scott Verplank 221670.00 22
79 Fred Funk 207257.00 31
80 Dudley Hart 188052.00 13

Please note that maybe results are lagged of time, because we are maintaining results manually.